We deliver fresh and pure A2 milk produced by Our indigenous-breEd cows within 3 hours of milking, to Gurgaon & SoUTh Delhi.
MOO LA LA Dairyworks was started by a passionate farmer, who left his corporate job to follow his calling of going back to the land to produce pure food using sustainable farming practices. Our farm is located in the Aravalis, near Golf Course Road, Gurgaon. MOO LA LA milk is produced at our own farm and not aggregated from different farms. Our cows are not given any hormones, antibiotics or drugs. They are fed pesticide free green fodder grown at our own farm, not separated from their calves and encouraged to roam free.
The Goodness of A2 Milk
Pure A2 cow milk is a complete natural food with a mix of micro (a host of minerals, vitamins and amino acids) and macro nutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins). A2 Milk from grass fed cows has a higher content of omega 3 and omega 6, the antioxidant beta carotene, a complete spectrum of minerals and is one of the few non-meat sources of Vitamin B12.

Our Cows: Free Range, Grass FEd
At the core of our operations is green grass and fodder for the cows, grown in our own living soils, pesticide free and reinforced with natural minerals and sea salts.
Our cows roam free on the farm and are not separated from their calves. The calves are allowed unrestricted milk access for the first three months, which is a critical period for their health and growth.
Currently we have Gir/Sahiwal breeds and are in the process of getting more North Indian breeds.
Moo La La A2 Milk
Fresh, pure A2 milk delivered to your doorstep: Rs.135 per litre
To ensure purity, We use A2 milk only from our own cows and do not aggregate from other farmers.
You receive the milk in 3 hrs of milking - unprocessed and whole - with all it’s probiotic bacteria. We don’t pasteurize, homogenize or alter the milk in any way before delivery.
Moo La La Desi Ghee
A2 Ghee made using ayurvedic method: Rs. 3000 per Kg
To ensure purity, We use A2 milk only from our own cows for making Ghee and do not aggregate from other farmers.
The ghee is made with the original ayurvedic method of curd separation vis.a.vis cream separation used elsewhere.
SusTainable Farm PRactices
At Moo La La, you get milk which is unprocessed, whole, and living - with all of its probiotic bacteria. We don’t pasteurize, homogenize or alter the milk in any way before delivery.
We Don’T AggreGate
At Moo La La, you get the milk and milk products that are produced only from our own cows, so we can ensure purity and keep them free of any antibiotics, hormones, chemicals and pesticides.
IndiGenous Breed Development
The White revolution wiped out most of our indigenous cow breeds through indiscriminate use of foreign breeds for getting higher milk yields.
Given the superior quality of milk of our indigenous cows, we believe in the propagation of these breeds and progressively increasing their productivity.
ENvironmentally ResponSible
We deliver local, in a limited radius, within 3 hrs of milking, ensuring a supply chain with a low carbon miles footprint. Apart from recycling the glass milk bottles, the waste water and cow dung compost are used in the fields to grow cow fodder and solar energy is used to power farm operations
Try A Free sample
They say the proof of the pudding is in the eating! We would like you to try our milk to experience the goodness for yourself.
“Our Mission is To bring Purity back to Dairy products, using ethical And sustainable practices”

What our customers are saying
Contact Us
We would be delighted to welcome you to the farm to meet our cows and understand our farming practices.
We are reachable on call or whatsapp at +91 9810649456/ 9667035805 or info@moolala.in
You can also fill up the form below to request a call back
MOO LA LA Dairy Works
Baliawas Village, Near Gwal Pahari
Gurgaon 122002